Yum Lee is a contemporary art artist who writes a story and becomes the main character in the story, and works on world-making performances that three-dimensionalize the world view in the story, such as sculpture, installation, video, photography, and community building, into reality with an artistic solution.
Known for her unconventional performance works representing Generation X, she has held 8 solo exhibitions in Korea, China and Japan, domestic and international exhibitions. He has presented works such as group exhibitions and performances overseas, and has presented more than 100 works.
After presenting his first works in the domestic performance art NFT field in 2021, he is currently concentrating on NFT and art metaverse works based on the IUM NFT Museum.
<E’ART’H : 예술을 품은 지구>
빛 + 그림자 + 물이 그려내는 청사진 작업 중 예술을 품은 지구를 발견했고, 이에 영감을 받아 지구의 색, 호흡,텅드럼의 깊은 울림을 명상적인 무드의 디지털 시아노타입 모션그래픽으로 해석한 파운데이션 컬렉션.
A collection that reinterprets the colors of the earth, breath, and the deep resonance of the tongue drum with digital cyanotype motion graphics with a meditative mood.
Inspired by a blueprint drawn with light + shadow + water.
<Connection 50/50>
하나의 원이 커지면 다른 원들이 축소된다.
"모든 것은 연결되어 있고 서로에게 영향을 미친다."
커넥션은 삶 속 일련의 과정을 원형틀에 치환해 객체가 상호작용하는 연속성을 보여주는 모션그래픽 루프 아트 컬렉션이다.
A collection of motion graphics loop art that demonstrates the continuity of objects interacting, metaphorically about the course of life within an aligned central axis.
< Collabolation >
콜라보 작업은 NFT 활동의 정수이다. 너와 나의 우주가 만나 소통하고 융합한다.
유니버스를 초월한 메타버스가 탄생한다. 현재 작가는 다양한 커뮤니티 콜라보 활동을 통해 NFT씬 고유의 융합예술문화를 향유해 나아가고 있다.
Collaborative work is the essence of NFT activity. You and my universe meet, communicate, and converge.
A metaverse that transcends the universe is born. Currently, the artist is enjoying the unique art culture of the NFT field through various community collaboration activities.