Yum Lee is a contemporary art artist who writes a story and becomes the main character in the story, and works on world-making performances that three-dimensionalize the world view in the story, such as sculpture, installation, video, photography, and community building, into reality with an artistic solution.
Known for her unconventional performance works representing Generation X, she has held 8 solo exhibitions in Korea, China and Japan, domestic and international exhibitions. He has presented works such as group exhibitions and performances overseas, and has presented more than 100 works.
After presenting his first works in the domestic performance art NFT field in 2021, he is currently concentrating on NFT and art metaverse works based on the IUM NFT Museum.
<Shy body>
샤이바디 컬렉션은 왜곡된 몸의 형태와 움직임, 강한 원색 컬러 대비를 강조한다. 몸의 형태를 장면 구성의 요소로 활용하는 동시에 감정을 발산하는 매개체로 그려내는 디지털 페인팅 컬렉션이다.
Shy body collection emphasizes distorted body shape, movement, and strong primary color contrast. The exaggerated body shape becomes an element of scene composition, drawing it as a medium that loudly expresses emotions.
<Restaurant de Gaia>
레스토랑 드 가이아 컬렉션은 지구의 아름다움을 고급요리로 선보이는 파인 다이닝 레스토랑이라는 스토리텔링이 바탕이 된 시리즈이다. 정물과 풍경이 혼합된 몽환적인 페인팅을 선보이며 현재 그림책의 형태로도 각색되고 있는 컬렉션이다.
RestaurantGaia Collection is a series based on the storytelling of a fine dining restaurant, which presents the beauty of the Earth as fine cuisine. It shows dreamy paintings mixed with still-life and scenery. This collection is also currently being adapted in the form of a picture book.
<Painting soul>
페인팅쏘울 컬렉션은 그림그리기에서 얻는 자유분방한 즐거움을 표현한 시리즈이다. 대비가 강한 색감을 이용해 거친 붓터치로 그려낸 아크릴화 원화에 작은 움직임을 더해 디지털 아트로 재탄생시켰다.
Painting Soul Collection expresses the free-spirited joy of painting. Using strong colors, acrylic original paintings drawn with rough brush touches were added with small movements to be converted into digital art.