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Attic Artist Group (ATTIC NFT ARTIST) naturally gathers while sharing concerns about work from the 'Clha NFT' community, the root of Korean NFT art. made in the form NFT artist community.
The NFT art scene is like an expansive sea, and while working fiercely at amazing speed, We came to imagine a space called Attic.
A space where we can depend a little bit on each other and breathe in the rigors of the NFT art scene, which runs faster than the speed of the present world.
Gather in a cozy attic, chat, share hearts, share life, laugh and cry together, share empathy and inspiration, plan exciting projects, and work together. Our Attic is a space that contains the stories of artists who hold hands, push, drag, and move forward with dignity.
If you go deep into the NFT art scene, you will realize that this NFT art is a dynamic community art in which empathy, connection of hearts, and cooperation are very important.
The Attic Artist Group, creators of various fields, is a group that has come together to fully establish the identity and artist spirit as an NFT artist, especially among many communities active in the NFT art scene.
A salon meeting where they can honestly share and listen to each other's stories of the world of art, an important axis of future art We are implementing community projects that shape the discourse of NFT art.
Written by Lee Yum (Community Founder)
글_이윰 (커뮤니티 파운더 )
ATTIC 테마 일러스트_박유나 (캐릭터 일러스트레이터)
ATTIC 테마 OST _Go_D (뮤직 프로듀서)