Yum Lee is a contemporary art artist who writes a story and becomes the main character in the story, and works on world-making performances that three-dimensionalize the world view in the story, such as sculpture, installation, video, photography, and community building, into reality with an artistic solution.
Known for her unconventional performance works representing Generation X, she has held 8 solo exhibitions in Korea, China and Japan, domestic and international exhibitions. He has presented works such as group exhibitions and performances overseas, and has presented more than 100 works.
After presenting his first works in the domestic performance art NFT field in 2021, he is currently concentrating on NFT and art metaverse works based on the IUM NFT Museum.
<백운 연작>
<백운> 연작은 노장 사상의 백미라 할 수 있는 ‘호접몽’ 일화를 사유의 근간으로, 현실과 가상의 구분이 아닌 각기
다른 우주를 고뇌와 각성의 과정을 통해
교차시키며 그 접점으로 드러난 사유의
지평선에 도달해 온전한 ‘나’를 찾아나가는 여정을 그려내고 있다.
<Whitecloud > The series depicts a journey to find a perfect "me" by crossing different universes through the process of suffering and awakening, not the distinction between reality and virtuality, using the episode of 'Butterfly Dream', which is the highlight of Daoism.
<젠 클락 시리즈>
숫자에 기반한 선, 각, 여백의 구성으로 형성되는 조형적 아름다움을 탐구한다. 움직임에 의해 그 존재 가치가 부여되는 시계로부터 멈춰야 비로소 완성되는 아름다움의 순간을 포착해나간다.
Exploration of the beauty of the figure formed by lines and angles and margins based on numbers. It finds a moment of beauty that is completed only when the clock in which the value of existence is established by moving is stopped.