Yum Lee is a contemporary art artist who writes a story and becomes the main character in the story, and works on world-making performances that three-dimensionalize the world view in the story, such as sculpture, installation, video, photography, and community building, into reality with an artistic solution.
Known for her unconventional performance works representing Generation X, she has held 8 solo exhibitions in Korea, China and Japan, domestic and international exhibitions. He has presented works such as group exhibitions and performances overseas, and has presented more than 100 works.
After presenting his first works in the domestic performance art NFT field in 2021, he is currently concentrating on NFT and art metaverse works based on the IUM NFT Museum.
<Corns! #Flying>
작은 알맹이_ 쪼알이들의 탈출과 모험, 역경을 이기고 더 넓은 세상으로 나아가는 이야기 시리즈이다. "쪼알이들은 뜨거운 열기 속에서 요동하며 한껏 부풀어 오르더니 하나둘 밖으로 터져 나왔다. 그들은 이전의 모습이 아닌, 하늘의 무한한 빛을 받고 새로운 몸으로 다시 태어났다"
It is a series of stories about the little ones' escape, adventures, and adversity and moving on to a wider world. "The little ones fluctuated in the heat and swelled up and burst out one by one. They were reborn as new bodies under the infinite light of the sky, not their former appearance."
<beyond the mountains #Belief>
산 넘어 산! 시리즈 작품으로 상상력의 놀이를 통해 현실의 한계를 가볍게 뛰어넘어가는 과정을 표현한 작품이다.
“두려워하지 말고 힘을 빼고 기다리면 어느새 목적지에 도착해 있을 것이다.”
Mountain beyond the mountain! As a series work, it expresses the process of lightly transcending the limits of reality through the play of imagination.
“Don't be afraid. Just relax and wait. You'll arrive at your destination soon.”