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39 items found for ""

  • Illann 일란 | ATTIC NFT ART

    IUM Ium Yum Lee is a contemporary art artist who writes a story and becomes the main character in the story, and works on world-making performances that three-dimensionalize the world view in the story, such as sculpture, installation, video, photography, and community building, into reality with an artistic solution. ​ Known for her unconventional performance works representing Generation X, she has held 8 solo exhibitions in Korea, China and Japan, domestic and international exhibitions. He has presented works such as group exhibitions and performances overseas, and has presented more than 100 works. After presenting his first works in the domestic performance art NFT field in 2021, he is currently concentrating on NFT and art metaverse works based on the IUM NFT Museum. ​ 내가 나에게 족쇄를 채워 불안감이 극에 달할때, 나는 정처없이 떠도는 원혼처럼 변해있었고, 나도 모르게 붙어버린 날 선 기운들이 내 몸을 하나둘씩 갉아먹고 있었다. 너무 갉아먹힌 탓에 아픈 것이 느껴질때쯤, 불현듯 떠오른 하나의 생각. 멈추자. 잠시 멈추고 나를 돌아보자는 그 작은 생각이 나에게 스스로 채워놓은 족쇄를 풀어주었다. 빠르게 달릴 필요도 없고, 매일을 얽매여 지낼 필요도 없다. 느긋하게 가자... 이 그림을 보시는 여러분도 이 그림으로 잠깐이나마 안식을 취하길 바라며.. 지금 보이는 두명은 방랑자이다. 이들의 문명은 오래전에 쇠퇴했으며, 멸망 직전에 간신히 살아남은 것은 이 둘뿐이다. 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 이들은 자신들이 머물만한 새로운 세계를 찾아 떠돌아 다녔고, 마침내 이 행성에 이르게 된다. 이 곳이 그들이 바라던 유토피아에 가까울지, 아니면 디스토피아에 가까울지. 이들의 선택만이 그것을 결정할 것이다. <흑공분출> FEWK; Collabotation Work "FEWK; 0037k(현상 #2) 흑공분출 Tenebrae Eruption" FEWK; Far East White Kingdom Universe

  • Choonhee 춘희 | ATTIC NFT ART

    IUM Ium Yum Lee is a contemporary art artist who writes a story and becomes the main character in the story, and works on world-making performances that three-dimensionalize the world view in the story, such as sculpture, installation, video, photography, and community building, into reality with an artistic solution. ​ Known for her unconventional performance works representing Generation X, she has held 8 solo exhibitions in Korea, China and Japan, domestic and international exhibitions. He has presented works such as group exhibitions and performances overseas, and has presented more than 100 works. After presenting his first works in the domestic performance art NFT field in 2021, he is currently concentrating on NFT and art metaverse works based on the IUM NFT Museum. ​ 춘희의 첫번째 nft콜렉션의 공식적인 시작을 연 작품. 비록 멋진 갑옷과 말은 없어도, 우리 모두 어느 누군가에겐 백마탄 왕자가 될 수 있다는 아이디어를 간단하고 재미있는 애니메이션으로 표현했다. 굉장히 더웠던 지난 여름을 지내며 느낀 점을 직설적으로 표현한 작품이다. 마침 근처에 영업용 냉장고가 있었고, 거기서 아이디어를 얻었다. 춘희의 단순한 작업 방식을 가장 직접적으로 나타내 주는 작품이다. <나도 나를 모르는 것 처럼> 모든 것이 뚜렷하지 않은 물 속 이라는 상황과 그것을 잡으려는 주인공의 행동을 통해 "자아"의 모호함을 효과적으로 나타낸 작품이다.


    IUM NFT MUSEUM _ ATTIC NFT관 2022.2.14 (월) open ~ 상설 전시 Go to Museum Go to Opensea DescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribeDescribe Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image vxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczc vxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczc vxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczc vxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczc vxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvv vxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczcvxxcxcxczc

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